The arts exhibition of Faculty of Industrial Fine Arts TDTU, Chang Jung Christian University, and RTI Radio Taiwan
The arts exhibition of Faculty of Industrial Fine Arts, Chang Jung Christian University, and RTI Radio Taiwan was commenced from 3rdJan to 8thJan 2021 is not only the exhibition itself, but one that will continue to grow the collaboration of two art institutions in the future. The Taiwanese and Vietnamese lecturers, artists and students in the collection range from beginning and professional level with variety art styles. There are 20 artworks from Chang Jung Christian University, 12 artworks from Ton Duc Thang University and 2 artworks from RTI Radio had presented.
Ton Duc Thang University is at the frontier of creative education in Vietnam and this exhibition allows both lecturers and students experience the artistic expression, an opportunity collaborate with international partner, and academical exchange.
We particularly thank all those who were involved in the exhibition of this wonderful collection: artists; lecturers, students and Chang Jung Christian, Ton Duc Thang, RTI Radio staff.
Exhibition space on TDTU, Vietnam

Artwork Information:

Grandma happiness, wooden sculpture 50x80x140(cm), 2012, Huynh Dang Vien - Lecturer IFA TDTU

Fish market, painted artwork on silk, 60x80cm, 2018, Nguyen Hoang Tuan - Lecturer IFA TDTU

Getting better, Ink color on silk 180×90cm, CHAN,JUNG-HUI 2017, Graduate student of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Travel, Rice paper - ink on paper, 180x96cm, 2020, Hong Song Wen - Graduate student of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Friendship, acrylic on canvas 2018, 100x100cm, Lam Nhut Thanh - Lecturer IFA TDTU

Contrast, Lacquer 2014, 100x120cm, Vo Van Lac - Vice Dean IFA TDTU

Modern garden, color on paper, 2016, 138x69cm, Kuo, Che Chuan - Assistant professor of painting and Calligraphy Department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Modern garden, color on paper, 2016, 138x69cm, Kuo, Che Chuan - Assistant professor of painting and Calligraphy Department of Fine Arts of CJCU

A carefree mood, Color on paper 2019, 136x68cm, Shen Cheng Chien - Associate professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Good weather for crops, Cotton paper Ink 1992, 72×136cm, Wang,Yuan-Tung - Dean of the department of painting and Calligraphy Department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Virus Human-rona, Ceramic 2020, 30x30x60cm, Nguyen Duc Thang - Lecturer IFA TDTU

Flowing lights and overflowing colors; Glass, metal, mixed media 2020, 50×42×45cm, Chang, Hui-Chi - Sophomore student of Bachelor Degree Program of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries of CJCU

Contrast between new and old, Oil painting on canvas 2020, 72.5X60.5X1.5cm, Chen, Yan-Ni - Sophomore student of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Starring memories-memories of home, Mixed Ink paintings 2016, 255x180cm, Tsai Wen-Ting - Assistant professor of painting and Calligraphy Department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Connect, Oil painting on canvas 2004, 100x60cm, Nguyen Van Man - Lecturer IFA TDTU

Sanctuary No.2, Ink, earth pigments, paint on canvas 2018, 65x91cm, Wang Ming-Ren - Assistant professor of painting and Calligraphy Department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Qishan, Stainless steel, fabric, egg shell, gold leaf 2020, 74x57x10cm, Kung, Ying- Hui - Assistant professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

A glimpse of Dingji island, Oil painting on 2017, 72.5×91cm, Tien,Mao-Chen - Assistant professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Travel shorthand I, Oil on Canvas 2020, 33x46cm, Yah-Ling Hung - Associate professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Canoe wharf, Wood engraving painting, 2014, V/A, Huynh Thi Kim Tram - Lecturer IFA TDTU

A man, Oil painting on canvas, 2020, 91×72cm, Huang,Ming-Chu - Professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Biao, marble 2020, 11×8×26cm, Lin,Ching-Hsiang - Professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Crumpled image, Clay wood firing 2017, 66×36x13cm, Lee,Yuan-Cheng, Director of Bachelor Degree Program of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries of CJCU

Neon lighting, Cutting Sheet, Acrylic board, 2018, 180x60x2cm, HUNG Yun-Tin - Associate professor of department of Fine Arts of CJCU

Unknown artist from RTI Radio Taiwan, 2015, RTI

Peaceful Sunshine, 2015, Le Thi Phuong Nhung - RTI Radio Taiwan